Love of Dogs:
I love dogs and have had many profound, deeply loving experiences with them. I have a special interest in animal communication and telepathic communication with dogs and the unconditional love they give us, and also in animal assisted therapy and the incredible service work dogs do.
And here are some photos and info about some very special dogs...and there will be more coming to the website soon about dogs!
Jack was a Labrador Retriever cross and a great gift. We fostered Jack in late 2022 and were blessed to adopt him in March 2023. He was around 13 years old and was a very special dog.
When we first met Jack, I felt like he had been waiting for us to come and that I had known and loved him forever. Jack was a wise, loving and adorable dog and a beautiful companion. Sadly his time in physical form with us was short, but he is very much in my heart and with me in spirit and I continue to communicate with him.
The first photo is Jack at the cafe with us - he loved coming to cafes and as you can see, was very happy being there - and yes, he was hoping for some food! The second photo is Jack in a more contemplative state - his name tags were what he had to wear when he was our foster boy. Jack was a gift of love and my heart is filled with gratitude to him xxx
When we first met Jack, I felt like he had been waiting for us to come and that I had known and loved him forever. Jack was a wise, loving and adorable dog and a beautiful companion. Sadly his time in physical form with us was short, but he is very much in my heart and with me in spirit and I continue to communicate with him.
The first photo is Jack at the cafe with us - he loved coming to cafes and as you can see, was very happy being there - and yes, he was hoping for some food! The second photo is Jack in a more contemplative state - his name tags were what he had to wear when he was our foster boy. Jack was a gift of love and my heart is filled with gratitude to him xxx
A Very Special Boy:
This beautiful boy was only with us for only 6 and a half weeks but it felt like 6 months and he will always be in my heart...
We helped him become brave and less scared of the world to help prepare him for his forever home...and we saw more and more of his deeply loving heart over the weeks he was with us.
I believe he is a dog with gifts to heal and am so grateful to have had the time I did with him...a boy who loved to cuddle and be close and to hang out together xxx
We helped him become brave and less scared of the world to help prepare him for his forever home...and we saw more and more of his deeply loving heart over the weeks he was with us.
I believe he is a dog with gifts to heal and am so grateful to have had the time I did with him...a boy who loved to cuddle and be close and to hang out together xxx
Jewel Bella:
Jewel Bella was an American Cocker Spaniel and she was my first dog as an adult.
In 1999 I fell in love with her when I saw her in a pet shop. I spotted her across the room with her 2 brothers...I had no intention of getting a dog but went over and picked her up and she snuggled into my heart as though she had been there forever... I read that buying a puppy from a pet shop was not a good thing and that they would often have health issues. This turned out to be true for her and I will share more about my journey with Jewel Bella which was a deeply healing and loving journey as well as one of many health challenges. Jewel Bella used to spend many hours alongside me while I wrote. At times when I was doing everything but write, she would sit in my study doorway and insistently bark with nothing able to distract her...until I came in and wrote! She would then lie on the rug next to me, sleeping peacefully. |
I discovered the power of unconditional love and acceptance through my relationship with this deeply loving, courageous and beautiful dog who loved everybody xxx
Lawsy, our gorgeous, loving boy was a labrador cross, who was with us for 7 years.
He was a rescue dog who we fostered and then adopted. Lawsy was scared of so much in the outside world when he came to us...and was incredibly gentle and loving with everyone.
He became so empathic and highly attuned and always knew who needed love and support.
Lawsy was a gentle, beautiful boy with an enormous heart xxx
He was a rescue dog who we fostered and then adopted. Lawsy was scared of so much in the outside world when he came to us...and was incredibly gentle and loving with everyone.
He became so empathic and highly attuned and always knew who needed love and support.
Lawsy was a gentle, beautiful boy with an enormous heart xxx